the last few days, i've been moving into a new place.
and you know,
when you move into a brand new spot...
that feeling of starting over? fresh, without dents and dings.
like, just because you're in this new apartment or house...
that's what's gonna make the difference.
change your attitude.
bring new perspective.
all of that,
just because you've changed positions.
it is a very interesting feeling, i have to say.
new place, new life.
i keep reminding myself of that.
and as much as i do...
sometimes, it may seem like nothings changing...
but always is, isn't it?
when i moved home 3 months ago, from, it seemed like...
across the world :) which, let me tell you, the drive, made it seem like it. haha! oh, but what really great drive it was.
because the whole time i was driving, completely alone...
i was reminding myself...
'you're gonna do things differently' and 'remember who you are'.
and 'this is your life, you don't have to explain it to anyone or make excuses'.
no one walks in your shoes, except you.
we all have different experiences that make us who we are...
so, we may get caught in the same circumstances at any given moment...
but make distinctly different choices or decisions.
life is full of them, isn't it?
and it's so amazing how one decision can alter everything else.
then again,
supposedly we choose our destiny...we are in control of it.
we are given this great power to decide where we go, what we do, how we live, and who we are.
and sometimes it's so easy to forget that so much is up to us.
our lives our up to us.
we can easily blame our mistakes on others.
we can side step any tough choice, by letting some one else deal with it.
so, yes, the power is within each and every one of us,
to live right,
to watch out for each other,
to speak kindly, even when we don't feel kind,
to give without thought of recieving,
to love, no matter what the case or cause,
and to forgive, when we're not sure we want to.
i can definitely say that it's not the easiest way to live...
in fact, it's really hard,
because as human nature seems to be sometimes,
we react before we think.
but that's the cool part about being human...
we can use our mind to overcome those crazy instincts.
we can take a deep breath in any given situation,
and let our hearts and souls take over.
you might be reading this, thinking...'what in the hell does that have to do with moving into a new aparmtent?'
right right! haha!
i'll tell you this...
it's pretty amazing the feeling of walking into a completely new perspective...
and filling it with old things that you've had for years...
and maybe adding some new things too.
but the powerful part seems to be,
the hope of a new turn.
the thought that, hey, things are changing right before my very eyes.
that each hour, day, week, year...
we are changing, and everything around us is.
the excitement of new friends, new loves, old friends coming back...
that people will be walking in and out of this new place...
and this new life.
that maybe, just maybe...each day is like a new life,
that we get to decide about.
we're not trapped in our lives...
we can climb out anytime we want,
and smell the fresh air.
if we want change in our lives,
we must make it so...
no one else can do that for us.
if we sit idley by and watch life going on,
and don't participate in it,
or try to grow, learn, and change...then we are not living up to who we could be.
it may seem strange that moving into a new place, reminds me of all this...
and maybe i'm just a gypsy that seems to move often, and be reminded often,
about the fragile, changing state of how things are...but...
maybe it also reminds me that change and starting over,
are all just part of life...
an essential part of growth and adaptibility.
so, yeah, basically, i'll wake up tomorrow morning,
and keep moving,
and keep growing,
and keep learning.
hoping for great things to come my way,
and knowing they will.
because they already have.
keep it coming, babe, keep it coming.
this touches me, very positive thinking ;)