Tuesday, November 23, 2010

from the strangest places...

i sit here today, and i have to tell you...
each and every day, i've been thinkin...
'okay now, sit down, write'...
and each day, all these ideas pop in and out of my head...
but then each day...i let them flutter away...
like little butterflies of thought.
funny how that happens sometimes.
we find reasons to not do.
grocery lists
so, this is what's been going on,
and i thought i'd share during this week of the beginning of it all...
the holiday season.
thanksgiving, right?
families coming together from distances far and near.
it's pretty cool.
the thought that there are these people in our lives,
that have known us since the time that we didn't even know ourselves.
since we were wearing onezies. haha!
i've been thinking lately that i have no idea what i'm doing.
but even during that, there are always things that i know for certain.
facts in my soul that are tried and true.
thank god for that,
because otherwise...i'm not sure how we would survive this life...
if not for the things that we can count on, or have faith in...
things that we know, for sure.
are true.
funny thing is...the other day at work,
it was early, 6 in the morning...still dark out...
and we were pullling carts and parking them,
and there's this corner you have to turn through,
that's pretty dark, and with the gps, shining in your eyes,
you can't see anything for several seconds...
but being that i've done the same action over and over again,
i know the path, so, i drive forward and i don't crash into anything.
for some reason, it came to me the other day, while doing this usual chore,
of how much like life it really is...
how sometimes we walk around in the dark, not knowing exactly where we are going or what we are doing, for that matter,
but somehow we keep going and have faith that we're not gonna crash into anything.
i find sometimes that, whilst i live alone,
i don't turn on the lights at night because i know the path to where i go...
i don't need the light...and i have full confidence in where i'm going.
i have to admit though, that in my life,
i haven't walked that way...with full faith that i won't fall...
or that if i do...i can get up and walk away...smarter...
i fear many things.
but it's during that fear that i try really hard to remind myself...
of what i know to be true...to me...to my heart...to my soul.
we're all different...
so, those things will be different from what the person next to me counts on.
but the importance of having something or someone to believe in...
god, wow, is soooooooooo truly important...
to just make it.
to get up everyday, and walk into it with open eyes and open arms,
welcoming whatever comes our way.
the good and the bad.
honestly, i can't say that i've had a whole lot of bad to contend with...
i am so amazingly lucky, i can't even begin to explain it.
the reasons why,
i have no idea.
i just know it is.
most people think that it's when the bad things that happen to you,
that we are tested,
to see what kind of person we are, deep down.
while i argree with that, whole-heartedly...
i also think that being fully aware while the good is going on,
is truly important as well.
the smelling of the flowers
noticing the colors in the day
the sounds of the ocean
the uncontrollable laughter with a friend
that smile that comes to your face when you hear that perfect song
when someone is kind to you, for no reason.
i mention these things...and you may think,
these are pretty small in the grand scheme of life.
and hey, they are.
but some days,
they can be so huge.
we get so swept away by the vastness of our problems...
that it's these little things that can help us to rise.
to move forward.
to take that first step to the good stuff.
because while there always is bad, there always is good.
what is it they say...you can't have one without the other.
i realize as i write this as well...
that my writing seemingly is always about this...
this faith...this love...this belief...
the little things in life...
choices and people and luck and thankfulness.
yes, it is my general thought process, i can't deny it,
but it is who i am.
and maybe sometimes, i'm here, reminding you...
because i have to remind me.
i don't know about you, but i need constant reminding.
i am lucky.
i know this.
thoreau wrote...'heaven is not only above our heads, but below our feet'
look around you, my friends...
find heaven in every second that you take a breath.
it's all around us.
be thankful...live thankful


  1. So I ended up losing the receipt that you wrote your blog address on but go me! I remembered it this time :) and let me just say that I'm so glad you 'finally' started a blog because it's amazing! It makes me feel hopeful and light and so appreciative of life and little things (and home all day with 2 kids I often get bogged down and frustrated and need a boost). I just read a bunch of your posts and I've added your blog to the homepage of my iPhone so I can keep checking in! Love it!
    P.s. My i's would not be capitalized either except my phone does it automatically for me ;)

  2. thanks so much, ashley, for tuning in...glad to have you! and hey, it was awesome running into last week! it's been too long! it's funny and lovely to get a comment, because mostly, i have no idea what people are thinking...thanks! :) hope to see you soon!
