Tuesday, January 25, 2011


so, here's the thing...
three guys walk into a coffee shop...(that's for you, longo)
but seriously, folks, this is what i got for the day...
happened to hang out with a friend a few weeks ago,
and we were discussing dreams of life and things...
and my blog...which has been my dream for quite some time.
so, here i am, doing it...
but now, i have to take it a little further,
and i'm unsure of the next step.
one of the things she told me is that maybe i should be more blunt,
and let loose on some things...
maybe not always be so nice.
well, i have been giving that some thought,
and it came to me yesterday,
that although i do have many thoughts that i could spout off,
and most likely vent about,
scream about even,
i'm thinking...
don't we have enough of that in this world?
i mean, seriously...
yes, there is a bit of community in the fact that one could say...
'hey, it's nice to hear that some one else is pissed off about that'...
but then again...
i'm hoping against hope that i can make the day better for whoever decides to visit me,
and read me, if i'm lucky.
i read recently that if you have things to complain about that you should perhaps keep them to yourself.
that mostly, people don't really want to hear those things...
and all it really does, is create more negativity...
it may make you feel better, but it also may ruin the person's day that you are venting to.
then again...it is always nice to be able to confer your feelings to a person that is close to you.
i guess maybe once you get it out...just leave it there.
i've found that when i begin to share something like that...i feel the great need to tell the next person, and the next, and the next...
thus, spreading the seed of complainersville just a little further.
i've been telling myself lately, as a sort of new years resolution,
to kind of keep that stuff to a low roar, a bare minimum...
i can't say that it's been easy, i have to admit.
the importance of accepting certain things in life for what they are is key,
because, as i've been learning, one can learn from just about everything that comes along...
even the suckiest things that happen...the people that drive you completely insane...
from our extreme failures...especially our extreme failures.
i realize that i'm always referring to yoga class, but hey, it's how i roll...but in yoga,
the poses that are the most difficult for us...they say that we shouldn't run away from that pose...
that it's the pose that we should most likely concentrate on a bit more...because maybe it's something that we truly need.
that if we really dig in a do it up, we grow from there...and we find out more about ourselves.
about what we want from life...about who we are...about what we have inside!
it's a constant reminder of how much work i have left to do...
but it's also really exciting to know that there's just that much more to look forward to!
that life is still unfolding...
i mean, holy shit, right?!
we're all just works in progress...
the point is...or the important thing is to keep progressing...


  1. That yoga thing reminds me of guitar. Why practice the same Allman Brothers lick I've been playing since I was 15 when there's so many jazz chords that make my hand hurt? That's it, tomorrow at work I'm going to talk about only kickass guitar stuff and not sucky mandatory overtime.

  2. right on, brosef! man, i love you!!!!!

  3. You are one smart and wise cookie. Glad you thought through what you and your friend talked about...cuz I think you hit this one out of the ballpark. I mean, if just one person out of every ten incorporated this thought process in their life, there'd be a lot less bs floating around in the world. Maybe I'll be that 'one' today. Nice job honey-pie! Mmmmm, jelly beans.

  4. haha! glad you enjoyed the jelly beans, p! and hey, i know you can and will be that person! i love you, and thanks for being so supportive and kind to me, always...my cup overflows for you, my dear :)
