so, here we are again,
in our little dance of dances...
reading and writing...learning and conferring information and stories.
it's kinda fun, i have to admit...walkin into the coffee shop, and wondering what is gonna come up in me to peck away at the keys, and hopefully, have some semblance of sense and inspiration.
well, that's the hope, at least.
most days i just walk away, thinkin, 'okay, that turned out alright' or 'hmmmmmm, i have no idea if that all came together, and made any sense'.
it's a fun way to write, really...
and just hope that it somehow just works.
the road to get to this place, where i'm okay with people reading what i think has been a long one.
chock full of a few of my friends, being the true pushers of me getting here.
so, i have to say, i am so glad they me enough courage, somehow to not be afraid.
don't get me wrong though, yes, i'm still a little bit afraid to let it all out, but little by little,
i feel as if i'm gaining those 'writing legs', kinda sorta like 'sea legs' as boating people would call it :)
it's a pretty awesome thing to have enough people in your life that want to see your dreams realized,
that in some way, shape, and form, you begin to slowly wake up from all of that dreaming,
and start doing.
for some people, the dreams are way huge,
and for others, the dreams are more simple.
but the importance of having those people in your life that nudge, push, or shove you in that direction...
i probably don't even need to say it...
but their importance in your whole dream scenario...
is HUGE!
and well, acknowledging that importance, i think, is something that must always be done as well.
because, honestly, when we get somewhere...we usually don't get there alone.
one of the things i like to do...since the amazingness of texting came about...
although, yes, a lot of people think texting is from the devil and taking away the personal touch in life...
what i like to do is on random days, scroll through my phone and send my close friends a nice thought for the day...
or maybe even a compliment...or for my really special friends...just some love.
i've worked out a way to send kisses too...this is my symbol for it :)(:
right right...pretty goofy! haha!
of course, only certain people get that, and really, no one actually knows what that means, except, my friend, mic.
i like to think i'm the one who thought that up...but really, who knows.
as some say, no thought is original...everything is just a repeat.
have decided that keeping it light today, might be the way to go along with the beginning of spring, right?
light and easy.
let's just say, that when you think something nice about someone, don't be afraid to say it...
give it to em...let em have it.
you have no idea what kind of impact you can have, by saying just a few kinds words to another human being.
it's the simplest form of happiness...just to be kind, and how surprising it is when it comes back around to you.
if you've ever noticed when you around a person that is positive, happy, and loving...
it's almost as if it floats onto you like a blanket...makes you feel somewhat warm and safe and glad to be alive.
i often get texts back from my friends, saying, 'oh wow, you have no idea how much i needed that today!'
in turn that makes me happy that i could make them smile and make their day better.
win win, right? right on!
yes, most likely that is a re-run of what i've been writing about since i started this blog...
but it is so important, i think it can stand to be repeated...just sayin...
i'm pretty well known amongst my friends for leaving the longest voice messages in the world (and yes, really long long texts, i can't lie)...
so, long that as i'm talking, i get cut off by the message gods. haha!
mostly, people just laugh about it...and it can be a form of entertainment,
because by the end of it, they know my life story of what has been going on that day or generally speaking, in my life.
the subjects range from how awesome i may think they are, to what i saw that day, or maybe just nothing but babbles of life, love, and happiness.
of course, yes, there are a couple of my buds, that basically, will not listen to the whole thing, and erase it...then call me to ask what i wanted...
to that i always tell them, 'what if i said something so amazing and awesome, never to be repeated've just missed out'. haha!
the truth of that is...
sometimes we do need to wait til the end...
because, just never know...
like skipping to the end of a novel, just to see what happens, without reading through the book.
sometimes, we just have to take the time to get there.
feel the breeze, smell the tulips, walk on the grass, scoop the sand up in our hands and let it run through, and lean our heads back and feel the sun shining on our faces....ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh...
that's the good stuff, eh?
so, here's a thought for you...
and maybe this isn't the way you may think, but let's just say, there are a few people in your life,
that really make the difference in almost everyday for you...
maybe they are the last thought before you go to sleep and the first thought when you wake up, even...(which, by the way, sounds a lot like love to me)
tell them.
because even though it may make you nervous to say it or feel kinda goofy to admit it...
they need to hear more ways than one, i'm sure.
and honestly, in my mind, why waste time without truth of heart?
that's the one, simple, honest, and lovely thing we all have...we just have to let it out, and not worry what others may think.
i've just finished reading the book i've told you guys all about in a few of my other blogposts...
the one by krishnamurti...'freedom from the known'
anyways, it took me ages to actually get through it, because much of it seemed way above my head of understanding...but the some of it really rang true to me...and part of that was about passion of life...
he says at the end of the book...'passion is a rather frightening thing because if you have passion, you don't know where it will take you.'
he says that it's not something that you can seek, invite, or wait's maybe one of those things that has to come upon us like a cool breeze, when we leave our front door just happens...
and when it does, our human nature is to analyze it, beat it up, and trample it with thought...
instead maybe we should just feel it and enjoy it while it's there, not trying to understand it, but live in it.
the funny thing is, at the end of this book, he says that as soon as we close this book, we'll either forget everything that was in it, or take some of it away with us, and repeat it to others, or compare it to some other books we've read...
trying apply it to our lives, he says, will not help us...
what it does is just takes us away from who we really are...and the only person that can do that for you...
is you.
no one else will take you there, and know you, and understand you...except your own truth and your own wisdom of self.
added to that though, is that wonderful feeling you may get when that person is in the room that makes you feel as if you're saved...that all it takes is just a look from them, to settle you into the sheer fact that all will be okay, and that you're going to make it, and that your heart is doesn't even take words...that's when you know your life is good.
the thing that i've been learning in my life, is that as i get older, i'm less scared to say how i feel...
but in that fearlessness, sometimes is the curse of thinking that others understand where we're coming from...
in that, what we must understand or be okay with, is that when we give, we can't expect to receive...
that we have to give for the soul reason of giving,
and be content in that.
to share part of who you are with others can be a slippery slope if we get lost in the feeling of, 'i want this given back to me'.
so, in a way, when we put it out there, it's like throwing that proverbial caution to the wind, and let it loose.
what might be the way to go is to not be afraid to be kind...
because in can only make life better.
yours and whoever you're giving it to.
as for me, i know that it seems to always have a way of returning to you.
in different ways, from different people, and at different times.
sometimes, in the perfect moment,
and when it comes at odd times...well, we still must's coming to us...
that's special, in and of itself.
life and love are inexplainable mostly...and passion is without control... ask, what is in our control?
great question!
of course, all of our answers will be different and come from way different places and spaces within us...
that is what makes each and every one of us...who we are...
as they say in yoga...'the way out is in'
and for sure, for sure...what's in there...inside of you...
whether you're ready to look at it or is 'powerful beyond measure', my friends.
share that stuff with others, the stuff that's within you.
that is definitely the only way this world is going to become a better place...
not with money, not with houses, not with cars, not even with sweet ass dancin shoes (i hate to admit)...
it's with heart, with soul, with passion of life, and with love.
that's the shit, guys,
it's the real deal.
if my writing that, sounds like i'm excited...well, you know it! haha!
how can i not be?!
i'll leave ya, with this lil quote from george elliot...'blessed is the influence of one true, loving human soul to another'...
enough said :)
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