i'm just gonna jump right in...
not to waste time...
because lately it seems, I've wasted a lot...
and maybe i'm learnin that life shouldn't be wasted...
so, come along with me on this lil journey of a blog I've got goin on...
today, as many other days as of late, I went on a walk to my pier...
mostly I've been doing it without music, but today I decided I needed some tune-age...
it was a pretty great walk...I popped my ipod on shuffle and just listened to whatever came up...
this day was sorta strangely beautiful actually...it didn't seem like it would be, until I walked over the dunes, and looked out at the ocean, and it was smooth but wavey, and the seagulls were just havin a good time, and the light from the sun, made it all seem so unreal...like it wasn't really happening...like it was a computer screen at the highest pixel setting ever...clear but cloudy...
very weird...but way cool, I can't lie...
I kept walking and lookin over at it, thinkin to myself, 'wow, are you real?!'...haha! and yes, I did laugh right out loud, thinkin how cool it was :)
anyways, these are some of the thoughts that came to me while I walked...
because I don't know about you, but when I walk outdoors, there's something that happens inside of me, that makes me contemplate just about everything...from where my life is going or not, to how I want to live, to how I want to love, to what my day in general is going to be like or maybe has been already...
basically, I solve all of my problems or at least think them all out, whilst on my walkin adventures...
there's just something about a walk outdoors.
and admittedly so, I do talk out loud to myself...I've been caught a time or two, which always makes me laugh...but honestly, sometimes just like reading something amazing, when its done out loud, it seems more real or more concrete if it is out loud.
call me strange...yes, that's fine...but hey, to each his own right? right :)
so, I was thinking about a conversation I had with a friend the other day about finding sharks teeth, and she said that this guy that she knows was telling her that the mistake a lot of people make while hunting for them is that they aren't looking for the big ones...that they are missing out on them because they're thinkin too small...
that sort of made me think about that in life terms today, while I was walking...I wasn't looking for sharks teeth, nope...but I was thinkin about how all of us think too small sometimes...
that our expectations are so small or non-existent, that that's exactly what we get, small things or nothing at all...
and then we wonder why it is that the other guy next to us, has such big things...(and no, I'm not talkin material things necessarily)
that maybe in order to do these big things or get what we dream of, we need to start dreaming bigger, expecting more, strive for more, I guess this list could go on and on...
but you get the gist...
maybe one of the problems is that we're afraid to dream too big, because then we'll be let down when and if it doesn't happen...
but shit shit shit...isn't that all part of life?!
believe me, I've had many people tell me that old quote, 'if you don't have any expectations, you won't be let down'...
truth is...I totally think that's bullshit too...yes, you can believe what you want to believe, but to me, there's always expectation, and if you don't have any expectations, then the bar is pretty damn low...
and who are we, if we set the bar low?????!!!!!!
nothing and nobody, that's who we are...
I don't know about you...but fuck that...I don't want to be nobody or nothing...
not in the fucking least!
so, here's a thought for the day...
you know how they say, put what you want out in the universe, and it will present itself to you...
whether you pray to God, whether you dream, whether it's Buddha, or whether it's cagney and lacey who is your higher power...
whatever it is...
believe in it...do it...and dream bigger!!!!!!!!!!
in the last couple years I have seen oh so many things come to light, that I've put out there...and have been so astounded by the fact that all I did was say it outloud that it's what I wanted...
a few times it has actually brought me to tears by the surprise of it all...
I've got to say though, that there are times that I know without a doubt that I've sold myself short, whether it be not dreaming big enough, or taking whatever I get (which there is an art to the gratitude of that as well, being happy with what you have, which make no mistake, I am very grateful and lucky to be where I am and to be who I am and have what I have)...
my life is very simple...
and many people say to me how envious they are of this life...
I like it simple...
but I think too, that, well, it's as simple as it is because I've tamed my dreams throughout the years because of the fear of failure of not being good enough to reach that dream...
that, in and of itself, is a failure...
not dreaming...
pshhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhht...there's no excuse for that...
we're never too old to dream.
so go...
dream big...
why not?
what in the world would life be like without dreams? what would this world be like without dreams?!
don't be afraid...
fear gets in the way of wayyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy too many things in our lives...
let's make a pact, to just not let it be...
dreaming brings color and texture to life...
and if you live it...
then it will bring life to life...yeahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh...
dream, my friends, dream.
"impossible is just a big word thrown around by small men who find it easier to live in the world they've been given than explore the power they have to change it. impossible is not a fact. it's an opinion. impossible is not a declaration. it's a dare. impossible is potential. impossible is temporary. impossible is nothing." ~Muhammad ali~
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