Wednesday, June 30, 2010

'live high, live mighty, live righteously...'

so, the last few days...or i actually should more like say...
my entire adult existence...
my one main thought...
has been about love.
how it happens.
where it comes from.
what to do when you lose it.
how to keep it near.
what happens in between when its nowhere to be seen.
whether or not to shout it out,
keep it close to the vest,
when its there...and you feel it.
the amazingness of it all!
when it happens!
the loss of control of what to do with yourself!
the feelings that...that person is the person you think of first and every sentence, during every hour, and throughout your day!
and if by some crazily lucky chance,
that person feels that way about you!
oh my god!
like two worlds colliding!
ultimately, the best feeling one can feel.
so, why is it that we are so afraid to admit it?
why don't we just tell each other of this amazing connection that we feel?
this burst of energy and delight.
and if you do say something to that person...
and they think you're out of your mind...
well, then, maybe that's not the right person.
but then why are those feelings there?
the wonderful part about it all.
is timing.
when everything is as it should be...
then there it is...
staring you in the face...
working itself out...
and you're falling...
like little pieces of a puzzle...
right into place...
fitting smoothly...
and perfectly...
to look like one big picture.
the thing i've been learning the last two months
is that whether or not we're paying attention...
these things are falling into place.
and destiny is so beautifully working,
as loud as your heart beats when that person, that somehow gets you,
walks into the room.
that things seem to build on each other,
when we're making this decision,
and that one.
that all of a sudden,
the bigger picture is sitting, right there in front of you.
and it's so overwhelming,
that you have to take a deep breath in to know that you are alive,
and that this is happening.
it seems as if,
there's this steady stream of people,
that flow in and out of my life...
but almost inevitabley,
the right people are there,
at just the right time.
it makes me know that we're not just here,
floating around,
making no sense...
because, for some strange reason,
makes it make sense.
when we're making one choice,
we just have no idea how it will change our lives,
down the road.
and how perfectly insane it seems,
when looking back at it...
you realize, how right you were by listening to your intuition.
and yes...
you may be wondering where all of that fits in to love?
it is a great mystery,
to figure out the why, the how, the who, the when, the where.
whether to be quiet, hold back, give a little, take a little.
rock it out, shout it to the mountain tops.
fight for it or walk away, and start fresh.
question of the ages, isn't it?
for me,
being the clumsily goofy, hopeless romantic that i am...
well, i, of course, say....
go with your heart, baby cakes,
go with your heart.
either way...all we can do...
is be true to who we are.
make no excuses.
and just be.
no games, no walls, no barriers.
just you.
the best thing you can offer another person, most love.


  1. damn woman! this post has hooked me on yo words foreva. thanks for being brilliant and amazing and sharing such with us. je t'aime

  2. why thank you, miss pitts! appreciate the props! i kinda think you're quite brilliant and amazing in your own right, babe! :)(: te quiero mucho a ti tambien!
