so, yeah, i was at work this morning,
thinking about writing something today.
something that would be sort of patriotic in a sense,
since it is independece day and all!
and this is what i came up with...
and seriously, whether or not it seems like a 4th of july blog...
it might only ring true in my head.
haha! which normally, that's how it works...since i'm the only one in my head :)
well, there may actually be other people accompanying me in my head, but that's a whole other story...whole other blog! haha!
way whole other blog!
anyways, back to the message at hand...
last night, i was at my parents house, having dinner with my mom, dad, and older brother.
it was a simple meal of shrimp and potatoes, finished off with some most excellent peach cobbler.
we talked and laughed and told stories.
and my bro even told a pretty awesome joke that we chuckled heavily know, one of those airless sounding those!
but as i was sitting there, i was thinkin about my brother.
he's this amazing man, husband, and father.
but in recent times he was a marine...
i guess they say that once marine, always a marine.
well, he was marine from the time he got out of high school until a couple years ago...the career marine.
now that he's retired, our family can breath easier, for sure.
but looking at him, you wouldn't know what he's been through or where he's been...
because he has these sweet eyes and cheshire cat grin.
he's a fisherman and a gardner at heart, and an astounding chef.
but this man, i call my brother,
has been to the other side and back...
for this country...
he never asked questions...
he just went...
and he stood fearlessly, looking in every face of danger...
because he knew that's what he signed up for.
now him and i...we are so different, and we don't agree on many things...i am a total bleeding heart kinda girl, and we've argued til our faces were red and sweaty.
and have to apologize countless times to each other.
one time i even remember him apologizing to me, and saying 'i'm sorry that you're such a democrat, but i love you' haha!
but he is my brother...and i am ultimately so proud of the man that he is.
he has courage and honor and commitment to the call of duty.
i may never understand what he's seen,
but looking at him, makes me know just how much people have to go through to find independence.
that there are thousands upon thousands of men and women, that are in a constant fight for it, each day.
it's crazy to think...when i'm sitting here, enjoying my afternoon...that people all over this world are fighting for freedom and a choice.
so, no matter how far on opposite ends, my brother and i are.
we have the same blood in us...
we know so many of the same stories...
we laugh at the same jokes...
we have very similar features...
and we grew up fighting each other,
but loving each other as well.
i can't help but love that man when i look at him.
and i can't help but be proud of him,
and what he stands for.
happy independence day to you all.
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