Monday, June 30, 2014

things worth havin...

good morning...
and como estas?
today, I decided i'd throw out something quickly...
because yes, there's a sling in my near future...
and's not the sling i'm lookin forward to, but it's where I make the living that let's me live the life I do...
so, i'm just gonna go with it today...
and today, i'm writing, for the first time, in my new lil spot that I've concocted in my lil hovel of a place on this beautiful and restful north end of things...
the music today, is playing, and the music of choice is sara bareilles...
brave is starting off my blog today...
...I want to see you be brave...
I sorta love this song...
the thought of it...
the feeling of it...
and the dream of it...
I mean, seriously, right?
gosh, you guys, this life of ours...well, it's just full of choices isn't it?
so we choose, daily...
what we want, what we need, what we see our lives to be, and where we want to be.
it's a never ending cycle of choices...
of living...
and it's exactly that...
we should be living!  always!
we should be selfish in this choice sometimes...
because the more we live...the more others around us will live...
if you think no one is noticing your choices and your living...
you're're totally wrong.
you, my friends, are an example and an inspiration, whether you know it or everyone!
and sometimes...yep, sometimes,  you have to be your own inspiration.
you have to get up, look in that mirror of yours, and inspire!
yes, yes, yes...there will be mistakes, big and small, along the way...
but who cares...learn from them, and keep making them...
if you're not makin them, then you're not living.
the worst choice of all is to not make a choice.
to not walk out your door, fall into holes, jump fences, run like crazy, or stroll right through the middle of a dance or two, hell, maybe just lay right in the middle of the street and laugh about it...
I don't know what kind of sense anything makes sometimes.
but there are days, many of them maybe, that won't make sense, that we're not meant to understand, until we are meant to...
fall...and fall hard...
but get up and look around...
smile when things seem way too hard...cry when you just can't hold it in...
it's all okay.
because the truth is...
this is life.
the juice of
.fucked up...wild...funny...sad...lonely...astonishing...overwhelming...
without understanding...
annnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnd loving.
let your heart beat like it's coming out of your chest...
don't be scared...
the last few days I've come across a few pretty cool quotes that explain it all...
or maybe just make me feel better...
so, I thought i'd share them with you...
maybe they can inspire or show you something you need, somewhere in your lives...
one can only hope...
and sometimes, honestly, that's all there is to get you through the day...
hope...plain and simple.

"forget safety.
live where you fear to live.
destroy your reputation.
be notorious."  ~rumi~

"we do not believe in ourselves until someone reveals that deep inside us something is valuable, worth listening to, worthy of our trust, sacred to our touch.
once we believe in ourselves we can risk curiousity, wonder, spontaneous delight or any experience that reveals the human spirit."  ~e.e. Cummings~

so, with that...
I say...
in you.
be notorious.
if you want.
and find your spirit.
however you find it...
it will be worth it.
you are worth it.
last but not least...
be brave.