Friday, September 17, 2010

in regards to hope

was just driving home from blockbuster, just down the road...
and was thinking that i was a few days late with my next blog post.
usually i just hope that something hits me,
and then it does,
and then i write.
but there are those days that nothing hits me.
i have random thoughts constantly.
i like to call it my stream...
and sometimes it's too constant...
i'm very sure there are quite a few of my friends that can attest to this.
to you guys...i'm totally sorry.
it's how my mind works.
and its who i am.
take me or leave me.
anyways, i thought i'd write a small note tonight about hope.
and the reason for this is the fact that one of my best friends in this world...
is getting married tomorrow morning.
now you're probably thinking...
'so what, people get married all the time'
but even as those words come out of your mouth,
run through your mind...
doesn't it make you wonder,
why we respond that way?
there are so many answers to that question, aren't there?
and no, i'm not going to even attempt to answer for everyone else,
because i can't...
but i will say this...
i think sometimes we answer that way,
because we've lost hope and faith in genuine love.
in somehow believing that there's another person in this world,
that is suited for us,
that will take care of us when we are in need,
that will be a thoughtful partner,
that will support us and lift us up, no matter how crazy we look or sound,
that will be there in the morning to embrace us when no one else is watching,
that will be able to read you, when everyone else seems illiterate,
and yes, i could go on and on and on...
because the list does keep going.
and it goes in reverse as well...we have to be all that for the other person.
i ran into a friend on the beach today and we were talking of just that...
the comfort of finally knowing and understanding,
what it is that we want in another person,
and finally being ready for the possibility of it happening,
and being okay to be alone until they come along.
perhaps this will be a long journey of learning.
but for some reason, we have to cling to some semblance of hope,
for these things to come true...
because if you don't believe...
what's the alternative?
i don't know about you,
but i feel as if i've known a few people in my life...
that fit that bill.
and they don't come along very often,
which makes them truly special,
but it also gives me hope to know that although i'm alone now,
and have no idea of what will happen in the future...
i know that it's possible.
that 'hope springs eternal' as they say :)
so, in regards to hope...
i leave you with this...
my favorite love poem, in honor of my friend that has been lucky enough to meet a really beautifully souled person to share her life with.
this is for her...and for all of you that share in that hope of love...
or the amazing luck to have found it.

"i carry your heart with me
i carry it in my heart
i am never without it
wherever i go you go my dear
and whatever is done by only me
is your doing my darling
i fear no fate for you are my fate my sweet
i want no world
for beautiful you are my world my true
and its you are whatever a moon has always meant
whatever a sun will always sing is you
here is the deepest secret nobody knows
here is the root of the root
the bud of the bud
the sky of the sky of a tree called life
which grows higher than soul can hope or mind can hide
and this is the wonder thats keeping the stars apart
i carry your heart
i carry it in my heart"



  1. As believers in Christ we have hope and faith that He is coming back for us one day and we also have faith and hope in our salvation. I am teaching middle school girls on sunday nights now and we are learning about faith and hope and what that looks like. Just thought I would share what hope means to me :). Love you Honey Deacon.

  2. thanks for sharing, mir! i'm glad to see you on here too! i love you more :) haha!
